"Lab Automation Day 2022 – Belgium"

When? 13/10/2022

Where? Technopolis Mechelen

This event focusses on the elaborate knowledge exchange regarding automation, robotics, and software (LIMS).

The seminar programme consists of different automation topics visitors can choose from or can combine. In between seminars, visitors can meet specialists of BioSPX on our booth.

One of our customers – Bjorn Baselet from SCK-CEN (the Belgian Nuclear Research Center)  will hold a short presentation

Cellular damage: automated bulk capture and analysis of DNA damage, kinetic live cell apoptosis and phenotypic assays

In the previous months, we automated the bulk capture and analysis of DNA damage on microscope slides containing fixed cultured human cells stained against γ-H2AX protein using the Agilent-BioTek BioSpa 8 live cell analysis system combined with our Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader and its imaging modes. Furthermore, we automated our kinetic live cell apoptosis and phenotypic assays to determine the end result of the aforementioned DNA damage using built-in scheduling and environmental monitoring.

Don’t forget to register!