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BioTek 406 FX washer dispenser
Fast, full plate washing along with up to six reagent dispensers.


The Agilent BioTek 406 FX washer dispenser is a compact instrument offering fast, full plate washing along with up to six reagent dispensers. The Dual-Action manifold optimizes washing for a variety of cell types, in addition to biomagnetic and filtration protocols in plate configurations ranging from 96- to 1536-well.

The non-contact plate dispensing capabilities offer maximum flexibility, including up to four syringe pumps and two peristaltic pump dispensers that enable rapid dispensing of reagents, cells and other precious reagents. Plate access on both the left and right side of the instrument allows the instrument to be completely automation friendly.

How it works

Multiple processes in a single instrument

The flexibility and capabilities of the Agilent BioTek 406 FX washer dispenser allow noncontact dispensing, and full-plate washing in a variety of plate densities, all in one instrument. This eliminates the need to move microplates between a plate washer (1), peristaltic pump dispensers (2-3) and syringe pump dispensers (4-5) for complex liquid-handling workflows.

  • The flexibility and capabilities of the 406 FX allow non-contact dispensing, and full plate washing in a variety of plate densities, all in one instrument. Eliminating the need to move microplates between a plate washer and multiple dispensers for complex liquid handling workflows.
  • Multiple independent fluid paths means that up to six different reagents can be loaded and dispensed in a single procedure, eliminating the need to incorporate multiple dispensers.
  • The touch screen interface makes protocol creation simple and intuitive.
  • Dual peristaltic pump dispensers and quad syringe pumps enable non-contact dispensing of buffers, media, cells, and other precious reagents in volumes ranging from 500 nL to 3000 µL, with minimal dead volume.
  • Left-side and right-side robotic arm accessibility allows the 406 FX to be easily integrated with the Agilent BioStack, BenchCel, and other third-party automation, to increase assay throughput.
  • The direct-to-drain waste system eliminates the need to empty waste bottles as waste can go directly to a drain.
  • The combination of angled dispense tubes, highly adjustable aspiration and dispense rates, and x- and y-axis positioning ensure the integrity of cell monolayers during dispensing and wash procedures.
  • The built-in Ultrasonic Advantage allows the instrument to clean buildup in the manifold tube automatically, preventing failure during wash procedures.
  • Magnet accessories automate biomagnetic separation procedures.
  • Computer control, protocol creation, and automation interfacing is available with the optional LHC software. LHC Secure software can computer control the 406 FX and provides features for compliance to 21CFR Part 11.

Cell-friendly design

The combination of angled dispense tubes, highly adjustable aspiration and dispense rates, and X- and Y-axis positioning ensure the integrity of cell monolayers during dispensing and wash procedures

Automation friendly

Left- and right-side robotic arm accessibility allows the 406 FX to be easily integrated with the Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stacker, Agilent BenchCel microplate handler, and other third-party automation to increase assay throughput.

Automated magnetic bead-based assays

Available accessories automate magnetic bead-based multiplex assays. Depending on the magnet type used, beads are pulled to the center or to the edges of the well.

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