"BioSPX and Amphasys are bringing impedance Flow Cytometry to new heights"

Amphasys, specialized in Impedance Flow Cytometry technology for single-cell analysis

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership between BioSPX and Amphasys, specialized in impedance flow cytometry technology for single-cell analysis. This collaboration brings together BioSPX’s expertise in life sciences with Amphasys’ cutting-edge technologies. Amphasys’ technology is designed to deliver accurate results with exceptional speed and reliability. This technology, now accessible through BioSPX, is revolutionizing the way scientists can monitor and optimize their processes, making bioprocessing more streamlined and effective than ever.

Lab on a chip

At the heart of this partnership is Amphasys’ innovative lab-on-a-chip technology, which enables precise and efficient single-cell analysis. Their innovative approach offers several advantages over traditional flow cytometry methods:

  • Label-free Analysis: Amphasys’ technology allows for cell analysis without the need for dyes, markers, or incubation periods. This enables rapid results, with measurements possible within two minutes of sample preparation
  • Versatility: The system can analyze a wide range of cell sizes, from 1 to 50 μm.
  • Broad Applications: Their technology is suitable for:
  • Cell viability assessment
  • Cell counting
  • Determining cell metabolic status, including apoptosis
  • Real-time monitoring of cell cultures
  • Bioprocess optimization in bioreactors

The Ampha X30 opens a new era of cell analysis: simultaneous measurement of cell count and cell viability, and in addition more information about the status of the cells, like metabolic activity.

Results are available after minutes – including sample preparation! With one instrument and four different chip sizes of the microfluidic chip the whole range of cells can be measured: bacteria, human and animal cells, algae, yeast, and others like somatic cells in milk.

Contact us for more detailed information or for a product demonstration.

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